Ole M. has 28 years of experience in sales, marketing, management , consulting and
project management in the computer industry .
Since 2003, he has devoted his time to his artistic activities.
Painting and drawing in various mixing techniques.
His expression is often recognizable non-figurative where humor is an essential element .
He is inspired by life in general and everything happening both inside and outside the four walls .
Many recognize his photos on his powerful palette and distinctive line:
Purchased by, decoration and design projects :
Ole M. has 28 years of experience in sales, marketing, management , consulting and
project management in the computer industry .
Since 2003, he has devoted his time to his artistic activities.
Painting and drawing in various mixing techniques.
His expression is often recognizable non-figurative where humor is an essential element .
He is inspired by life in general and everything happening both inside and outside the four walls .
Many recognize his photos on his powerful palette and distinctive line:
- painting and drawing techniques in mixed techniques
- wood art
- design
- photo
Purchased by, decoration and design projects :
- Teekay Petrojarl Production AS: Større jubileums-/utsmykningsoppdrag ; - Petrojarl Varg sitt 15 års jubileum. (pic). Jubileumsoppdrag: Petronordic og Petroatlantic (pic)
- Brigade Nord, MP-troppen
- Dronning Mauds Minne - Høgskole for lærerutdanning
- EG Danmark AS og EG Norge AS
- IBM Norge
- KLP, Trondheim
- Kvilhaugen Gård, Trondheim
- Nordslettveien Terrasse
- ST Fylkeskommune - St. Olavs Hospital
- Strindheim kirke
- Sintef
- SiT
- Strindheim IL
- Tine Meieriet Tunga
- Tine Sentrallager Heimdal
- Trondheim Kommune - Blussuvold Videregående skole
- Klæbu Kommune I II
- Frosta Kommune. Decoration. I II
- Meråker Sanitetsforenings Kurbad AS I . Decoration new building. 500m2 (2019)